Rezensionen zu: Start fresh-Reiniger
Dienstag, 02. Juli 2013
Autor: Gast
Rezension: I'm really new to Gmarket. It took me ahlwie to find the way to register and place the order. The paypal took a couple of days but confirming the foreign fund took forever.I wrote the customer service so many times but never get any respond. I even checked on my inquiries like you recommended. In return my order was cancelled and my 15 point was deducted. If it hits 20 and i'm out.I tried again and the money process took forever and I never ever get any respond form the customer service.heard you're saying about "re-confirm the payment with the customer service which delays the order for some days."Any suggestion. I'm really confused. Thanks in
Autor: Gast
Rezension: I'm really new to Gmarket. It took me ahlwie to find the way to register and place the order. The paypal took a couple of days but confirming the foreign fund took forever.I wrote the customer service so many times but never get any respond. I even checked on my inquiries like you recommended. In return my order was cancelled and my 15 point was deducted. If it hits 20 and i'm out.I tried again and the money process took forever and I never ever get any respond form the customer service.heard you're saying about "re-confirm the payment with the customer service which delays the order for some days."Any suggestion. I'm really confused. Thanks in